Our offices are closed on Monday, February 17. We’ll resume regular hours on Tuesday, February 18. Our member site and app are available 24/7.

Travelling over the long weekend? On February 17, our travel call centre will be open from 6:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. MT. If you want to purchase travel insurance, please call 1-800-394-1965 or purchase a plan online.


Protect your loved ones' financial health with the most respected life insurance company in Canada—Blue Cross Life®.

When you have life insurance, you feel secure knowing your loved ones are protected. In the event of a death, life insurance will provide your loved ones with a death benefit—a tax-free, lump sum payment to help take care of their financial needs.

A death benefit could provide financial assistance with

  • mortgage payments,
  • support for a spouse,
  • funeral costs,
  • business expenses,
  • childcare costs,
  • tuition costs, and
  • everyday living expenses.

Get Blue Cross Life® Insurance

Get a quote

Do you have more questions about life insurance or would like to learn more about additional coverage options? Speak to a Blue Cross Life® advisor to learn more at 1-866-316-4458.

Life insurance options

When it comes to choosing a plan, there are options to consider.

What are the benefits of Term Life insurance?

Term life insurance is one of the most affordable life insurance policies. Premiums are less than the price of whole life insurance. Term is also more flexible; choose the length and coverage you want – with the option to renew.

What are the benefits of Critical Illness insurance?

Critical Illness insurance provides a benefit to protect against the financial impact of unexpected events related to the diagnosed condition. Receive a lump sum payment to cover everyday living expenses and financial commitments, new or unexpected out‐of‐pocket expenses.

How much life insurance do I need?

How much life insurance you need depends on a few things. For example, your debts, income, financial obligations, existing policies, etc. all factor into how much coverage you need. The average coverage per household is $458,000 in Canada is based on CLHIA data.

Want more information or have questions?

Speak to a Blue Cross Life® advisor to learn more at 1-866-316-4458 or service@life.bluecross.ca between 9 AM - 5 PM EST, Monday to Friday.