Our offices are closed on Monday, February 17. We’ll resume regular hours on Tuesday, February 18. Our member site and app are available 24/7.

Travelling over the long weekend? On February 17, our travel call centre will be open from 6:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. MT. If you want to purchase travel insurance, please call 1-800-394-1965 or purchase a plan online.


Get your tax documents

Tax documents you need

There are 2 tax documents available when you sign into your account: a claim totals report and receipt of payment.

Not sure which one you need? Read on to learn more or skip to the instructions on where to find these in your account.

Be sure to visit the Canada Revenue website for full details about claiming medical expenses.

Claiming medical expenses on your tax return

Here's a look at what you can claim and the documents you'll need:

Unpaid balances for health and dental expenses

Say you went to the dentist a few times and you also bought glasses in the last year. Your plan covered most of the costs, but there were remaining balances that you paid for. You can claim the eligible remaining balances on your tax return.

  • Tax document you need: claim totals report
  • Who this is for: members with an employer-sponsored group plan, a personal plan or certain government-sponsored plans (those with Group 1 or Group 66 on their ID card)

Cost of plan premiums

Your monthly premiums may count as a tax deduction. This only applies if they are paid by you and not covered by your employer or someone else.

  • Tax document you need: receipt of payment
  • Who this is for: members with a personal plan or Non-Group Coverage (those with Group 1 on their ID card)

How to get your tax documents

You can look up documents from the last 2 calendar years, plus the current year.

Claim totals report

  1. Sign in to your member account.

    If you do not have one, you need to register for a member account.

  2. Go to Claim and select Claim totals report.
  3. Enter a date range and make your selections to customize the report.
  4. For a PDF copy you can download or print:
    Select Generate report. This will open a PDF document showing the claims made within the selected date range.
  5. For a mailed paper copy:

    Select Request a mailed copy.

Receipt of payment

  1. Sign in to your member account.

    If you do not have one, you need to register for a member account.

  2. Go to Account and select Receipt of payment.
  3. Enter a date range.
  4. If you wish, you can select the checkbox to show the date your account is paid up to on your receipt.
  5. For a PDF copy you can download or print:
    Select Generate report. This will open a PDF document showing the amount you paid within the selected date range.
  6. For a mailed paper copy:

    Some members can select a checkbox to request a mailed paper copy. If you do not see this feature, contact us to request a mailed copy.

More information

Keep a copy of your documents for your records when you file your tax return.


Easily manage important documents related to your claims.

Payments and receipts

Make payments and access your receipts.

Still have questions?

Contact us

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