IMPORTANT: Even as postal services resume, delays in mail delivery are expected. Access your benefits online. Visit our guide for help.

Filing your taxes? If you have eligible medical expenses to claim, here's a look at which tax documents you'll need.


Compare coverage rates

All dollar amounts are monthly fees for each family member. Rates may change without notice. Print page

Core extended health and selected paramedical practitioners

Age 0 - 8 9 - 17 18 - 29 30 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 65+
Basic $7.64 $12.54 $21.27 $23.62 $34.83 $28.30 $26.69
Enhanced $9.89 $18.53 $32.56 $40.07 $52.49 $45.98 $44.39
Enhanced+ $15.23 $25.87 $41.04 $49.06 $62.97 $56.49 $54.93
Premium $26.90 $41.88 $58.61 $66.36 $84.17 $77.72 $76.17
Premium+ $33.50 $51.96 $77.01 $90.80 $110.60 $104.15 $102.60

Dental (required)

Age 0 - 8 9 - 17 18 - 29 30 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 65+
Basic $15.93 $29.11 $29.11 $31.07 $48.07 $54.09 $61.11
Enhanced $22.19 $41.18 $44.56 $47.69 $74.58 $85.12 $98.78
Enhanced+ $24.41 $69.04 $69.04 $71.74 $115.01 $139.08 $156.50

Prescription drug (required)

Age 0 - 8 9 - 17 18 - 29 30 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 65+
Basic $6.41 $8.99 $29.47 $29.47 $44.38 $49.35 $56.43
Enhanced $10.62 $15.64 $45.22 $45.22 $75.17 $77.05 $73.43
Enhanced+ $13.22 $28.09 $65.03 $65.03 $118.14 $118.14 $106.96

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