Reset password
Forgot your password? Learn how to reset it so you can sign in to member site.
Did you know?
Claims processed before 5 p.m. MT, will send payments to your bank account the next business day, provided there are no delays by your bank.
It's as easy as following a few simple steps.
Select forgot password
Visit and select Forgot your password?.
Enter your information
Next, enter your username and email address.
Enter verification code
We will send a verification code to the email linked to your account. It may take a few minutes to arrive.
Enter the code to continue.
Answer security question
You will be prompted to answer your security question.
Create new password
Enter a new password that contains all of the following:
- 8 to 50 characters
- at least 1 uppercase letter
- at least 1 lowercase letter
- at least 1 number
- at least 1 special character (e.g., ~!@$^*()_+{}|-=[];,./)
Passwords are case sensitive and cannot be the same as your username.
Sign in
You’re all set! Sign in to member site at
Related topics
Curious about your claim?
Depending on the type of claim you submitted, it may be automatically approved or pending further review.
Learn how to check the status of your claim here.
Thinking about direct billing?
Some claims for products and services can be electronically submitted to Alberta Blue Cross® if the provider is set up for direct billing.
Locate a direct-bill provider today.
Need help?
Benefits can be confusing, we get it—let us help.
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